Seattle Public Schools

Prevention and Intervention

Opioids and Overdose Prevention

Overdose Prevention

Background Information & Current Trends

阿片类药物是罂粟植物中天然存在的一类药物. Many prescription opioids are used to block pain signals between the brain and the body and are typically prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. In addition to controlling pain, 阿片类药物可以让一些人感到放松, happy or “high,” and can be addictive. 其他副作用包括呼吸减慢, constipation, nausea, confusion, and drowsiness.
These pain relievers are powerful drugs — very similar to heroin in their chemical makeup, 以及习惯的形成. 任何服用处方阿片类药物的人都可能对它们上瘾. As many as one in four patients receiving long-term opioid therapy in a primary care setting struggles with opioid addiction. 一旦上瘾,就很难戒掉.

The risk of addiction is particularly concerning for teens because their brains are still developing. 因为他们的内部奖励系统仍在发展中, a teen’s ability to bounce back to normal after using substances may be compromised due to how substances affect the brain, 使青少年比成年人更容易上瘾.

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid drug that is approximately 100 times more powerful than other opioids. 芬太尼经常被添加到非法街头毒品中,如假药和白色粉末. Fentanyl and other opioids cause overdose by slowing breathing and eventually can cause death.

金县吸毒过量致死人数有所增加, 主要是由非法药丸和粉末中发现的芬太尼引起的. 这些死亡更常发生在18岁或以下的人群中.  All people should:

  • 小心那些看起来像处方药的假药. They likely contain fentanyl.
  • 只服用你直接从药房或处方医生那里得到的药片.
  • 要知道网上购买的药片是不安全的.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, teens and young adults are the biggest misusers of prescription pain medication. 年轻人滥用处方阿片类药物的原因有很多, including curiosity, peer pressure, and wanting to fit in. Another reason teens and young adults may decide to take prescription opioids is because they can be easier to get than other drugs. Studies show that 53% of people ages 12 or older who obtained prescription pain medication for nonmedical use obtained them from a friend or relative.

The CDC reports that individuals who are prescribed opioids prior to graduating high school are 33% more likely to misuse prescription opioids after graduating. Additionally, taking opioids after wisdom teeth removal also increases the odds of long-term use.

阿片类药物过量是指服用了过量的阿片类药物. Synthetic opioids such as Fentanyl are especially dangerous due to its potency and can be added to illicit street drugs. A person may experience non-life-threatening effects such as nausea, vomiting, or sleepiness. 一个人也可能经历危及生命的影响,可能导致死亡, 包括呼吸不频繁或无呼吸, slowed or irregular heartbeat, no response to stimuli, and severe allergic reaction.

  • 将阿片类药物与其他物质混合,包括苯二氮卓类药物或酒精
  • 因耐受性下降而中断使用后使用
  • Taking too many opioids
  • Other health conditions
  • Previous overdose
  • 使用阿片类药物不是从药店买的,因为药效未知
  • Using alone (increases risk of dying from an overdose) Those who overdose rarely experience sudden breathing cessation. There is usually enough time to intervene before breathing completely stops and death occurs.

Overdose deaths among the general population have been on the rise for the past decade. 但到目前为止,年轻人基本上没有受到任何增长的影响. 在年轻人中,因吸毒过量而死亡的人数出现了新的上升, and the relative increase among those ages 14-18 is now the highest of any age group. In King County, the recent increase in overdose deaths is 主要是由非法药丸和粉末中发现的芬太尼引起的.

Naloxone is a non-addictive, life-saving drug that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose when administered in time. 纳洛酮是最常用的纳洛酮鼻喷雾剂的品牌名. Naloxone can quickly restore normal breathing to a person if their breathing has slowed or stopped because of an opioid overdose. There are no negative affects to giving naloxone even if the person isn’t overdosing on opioids.  纳洛酮对孕妇和儿童是安全的. 

纳洛酮能在30到90分钟内逆转体内过量的阿片类药物. 但许多阿片类药物在体内停留的时间比这更长. Because of this, it is possible for a person to still experience the effects of an overdose after a dose of naloxone wears off. 此外,一些阿片类药物更强,可能需要多剂量的纳洛酮. Therefore, one of the most important steps to take is to call 911 so the individual can receive immediate medical attention. 

Per RCW 69.41.095, any person or “entity” (e.g., police department, homeless shelter) can obtain, possess, and administer naloxone. 它还允许在处方者的常备订单下分发纳洛酮. Find naloxone near you.

If you are interested in learning more about how to respond to an opioid overdose using naloxone, please visit 华盛顿大学的停止过量用药.

69.50.315 针对持有毒品的指控提供具体保护:

  • 如果你因药物过量而寻求医疗帮助, 你不能因为持有毒品而被起诉.
  • 过量服用毒品的受害者也受到保护,免受持有毒品的指控.
  • 在西澳州,任何人都可以携带和使用纳洛酮 (RCW 69.41.095).

However, a student in possession of illegal drugs and/or controlled substances on school property may be subject to corrective action.


It’s never too late to start talking with your child about the risks of prescription opioid misuse. As children age, they make more decisions on their own and face greater temptation and peer pressure. 虽然看起来不像,但孩子们确实听到了你的担忧. 帮助他们了解处方阿片类药物是什么很重要, why they shouldn’t misuse them. 在这里阅读更多关于如何与你的孩子谈论阿片类药物的信息:



不要对药物念念不忘,在“回收”活动中处理掉多余的药物. Or, as an alternative where no takeback opportunities exist — by mixing the medication with coffee grounds or other unpleasant garbage and throwing it out. Mail your expired or unwanted medications for free or drop them off at a participating kiosk, more info here: Safe Medication Return Program

Store your medication in a safe place. You can read more about preventing accidental and intentional use of drugs by reducing access to substances in the home here: SPS安全储存物质运动

  • Talk to your provider about the following if an opioid is recommended for your child:
    • 治疗孩子的疼痛需要处方阿片类药物吗? For chronic pain, 我们能否探索替代疗法,如物理疗法, acupuncture, biofeedback or massage?
    • 开了多少药片,多长时间服用一次?  有必要开这么多药片吗?
    • Should my child be screened to determine their risk of substance use disorder (SUD) before this medication is prescribed?  If not, why not?
    • What are the risks of misuse?  
  • 监督配药工作, 数一数瓶子里的药片,以确保它们是按处方服用的. Clearly document when the prescription was filled and when a refill will be needed -– and be suspicious of any missing medication.
  • Communicate with your child about the risks of misuse and be very clear that the medication is not to be shared with others.
  • 定期和孩子沟通他们所感受到的疼痛程度, making sure the pain is diminishing with time and staying alert for any signs that your child is growing dependent on the medication.

如果你担心你孩子的药物使用, 西雅图和金县的一些机构可以提供帮助. You can find those agencies here: Behavioral Health Agencies


学生接受强制性的毒品预防教育, 包括阿片类药物和过量用药的信息, in grades 7 and 9. 高中还开展健康促进活动,如 One Pill Can Kill, and Laced & Lethal.

对关键员工进行了多次现场培训, such as nurses and security, 所以他们能够识别过量并提供适当的反应. Additionally, all school staff are required to complete an online Opioid Overdose Response training annually. 所有的学校都堆满了过量服用的逆转药物纳洛酮.

SPS Board Policy No. 3424 recognizes that the opioid epidemic is a public health crisis and access to opioid-related overdose reversal medication can be lifesaving. 监督程序3424SP阿片类药物过量反应 为管理员提供如何实现此策略的指导.
